Handmade of clay, fabric, stitching, leather, feathers, sticks, wire, and beads. 6" x 14"

"Like many artists, I get lost in my work. I become completely absorbed in how all of the lines of ink and paint flow together. I love how the elements within each piece intertwine with each other, just as human lives often do.

I see beauty everywhere and in all things. I love rescuing bits of trash and junk. They find a special place in my work and become part of something unique and beautiful.

I put so much into each piece that it is often hard to let go of them, but I know in my heart, they are not really mine. There is a force outside myself that guides my hand. When I let go and allow myself to be guided by this spirit, amazing things can happen in my art and in my life."

Click to visit Karen Barnard's website.

Shipping is available for an extra fee, or winner may pick up the item from Ojai Raptor Center by November 27, 2022.

Spirit Doll with Affirmation Vessel

Item #88

$104 - 21 bids

Minimum Bid Increment:




Donated By:

Karen Barnard