Light and Space Yoga Image
Gift Certificate for 1 month of Yoga @ Light and Space studio.

A place to breathe deeply.
Light and Space is a sanctuary for Yoga, Meditation, Music, + The Healing Arts in the Ojai Valley.  Join us here in Ojai (Chumash: moon), Southern California’s historic center of natural beauty, spiritual wisdom & the arts.

What Light and Space offers
Visit us for upliftment of spirit, immersion in cultural practices, creative inspiration, radical exercise, peace in the heart, and the warmth of a thriving community.

We believe in a merging of ancient traditions, practiced with respect to lineage and culture, alongside modern wisdom and it’s approaches to the physical body, the mind + emotions, contemporary social realities, and creative expression.

Light and Space Yoga

Item #37

$75 - 2 bids

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Light and Space Yoga Studio